Monday, June 18, 2007


Discoverhow the M ostSuccessful
Business Corporations Are Using This
Strategy RightNow to save 19% m ore
Costs Beyond TheirW ildestDream s...And
Now You Can Join Them W ith M y Easy
Step-by-Step System !
You too can getIT w ork costing $100 an hourin the United States for$20 in
Bangalore orBeijing
GREETING:DearBusiness Ow ner
W hatIam aboutto say m ay surprise you – and itw illdefinitely angerm any ofm y
colleagues w ho don’tw antyou to know this – butbecause Iw ish no organization
should end up outsourcing w ithoutknow ing the hidden costs!Ifsom eone had guided
them a lotofcorporations w ould have incurred lessercosts and avoided som e costly
m istakes.I’m going to tellyou now how to avoid these m istakes.
Despite appearances to the contrary,m any oftoday’s m ostsuccessfulcorporations
· Are NotConsidering CostofSelecting a Vendor!
o (Theycan som etim esbeashigh as10% oftheam ountofwork!)
· Are NotConsidering the CostofTransition
o (Expectto spend an additional2 to 3 percenton transition costs!)
· Are NotConsidering the CostofLayoffs
o (Expectto pay an extra 3 to 5 percenton layoffs and related costs!)
· Are NotConsidering The CulturalCost
o (Expectto spend an extra 3 percentto 27 percenton productivity lags!)
· Are NotConsidering the CostofRam ping Up
o (Expectto spend an extra 1 to 10 percenton im proving yourw orkflow
· Are NotConsidering the CostofM anaging an Offshore Contract
o (Expectto spend an additional6 to 10 percenton m anaging youroffshore